+ Palestine Human Rights Film Festival
This unique event is the first annual human rights film festival in Palestine. During this 5-day festival, every day will have a different central topic. The topics include the Gaza Strip, resistance, women’s rights, economic, social and cultural rights, Nakba and refugees.
After each film screening, visitors will get the opportunity to address guest speakers from civil society, film-makers, academic experts, and An-Najah students sharing their experiences. The festival is a platform to connect with people and organizations both inside and outside of Palestine through video conferencing, such as with the health care workers in the Gaza Strip, a human rights center in South Africa and students in the United States. The festival provides an opportunity for visitors to discuss, debate, ask questions and express their own views on all sorts of issues faced by the Palestinian people today. We hope to welcome you during our festival to open your eyes to new images.
+ Right to Education Campaign
The right to education is a basic human right and is fundamental to human freedom. The United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that, "Everyone has the right to education" (Article 26, 1948). The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, ratified by Israel in 1991, states that, "Education is both a human right in itself and an indispensable means of realizing other human rights."
Looking ahead
The beginning of the second decade of the 21st century has seen an increase in support from international civil society in response to recent atrocities committed by the state of Israel. After some 60 years since the Nakba and more than 40 years since the start of the military occupation of what remained of Palestinian land in 1967, Palestinians now stand at a threshold, possessing the potential to fundamentally alter the dynamics of the current political circumstances they face. The Right to Education Campaign is a pillar in the continued struggle for recognition of basic rights and dignity for Palestinian students and academics.
Twinning Agreements
In a display of support and solidarity to the Palestinians Right to Education; various universities have valid twinning agreements with An-Najah National University.